The Benefits of a Hiring a Professional Plumber

The Benefits of a Hiring a Professional Plumber

Hire only a professional for your plumbing needs.

Many people think that plumbing is a straightforward matter. It is common to see homeowners attempting to fix household issues, such as replacing non-working faucets and shower heads. True, these tasks are simple enough. However, some plumbing tasks, like replacing single water pipes, need more knowledge and expertise than a YouTube tutorial can give.

So why do some homeowners decide to take matters into their own hands instead of calling a plumber? The most common reason many choose to DIY plumbing problems is to save money. On the contrary, this is not recommended because doing so can lead to more expensive and serious issues. When faced with a plumbing issue at home, it is always recommended to call a professional and experienced plumber immediately.

Why You Should Call a Professional Plumber

Why You Should Call a Professional Plumber

Doing the job by themselves, or calling self-declared handymen with little plumbing experience, is risky business. Worse, it puts the whole property at risk of water damage.

Here are the reasons calling a trusted and professional plumber is the best course of action when faced with plumbing issues.

They are trained and licenced in their craft.

Plumbing is an intricate and particular craft. Each step must be done with care and precision. For instance, incorrect connections or improper wiring can lead to several issues. Hiring a handyman who is not a licenced plumber may be cheaper. However, its consequences can be more expensive in the long run.

Professional plumbers are trained and licenced to do what they do for a living. They have the education, training, and experience necessary to do the job properly. They are also trained in the latest tools and technology related to their profession to perform the job more efficiently.

They use the right equipment.

Having the knowledge and expertise to do the job correctly is not sufficient; top-notch equipment is needed to serve the clients better and more effectively. Of course, they must also be trained to use these pieces of equipment correctly and how to make the most out of them.

For instance, licenced plumbers have the tools to conduct visual inspections of blocked sewer pipes. An inspection will reveal whether the pipes are blocked or what the real problem is. Once they have identified the issue at hand, they can employ the correct solution to solve the problem. It saves everyone’s time, money, and resources. It also prevents the problem from getting more serious.

Hiring handymen without sufficient tools can be an inconvenience. Imagine waiting for them to get the job done because they are not fully equipped to perform it. On the other hand, professional plumbers will come to the site with a stocked toolbox or truck, ready to take on whatever issues await them. Hiring a fully equipped professional plumber saves time and money from renting the tools needed to solve the plumbing issues at hand.

They have relevant experience.

This is not to say that one should not hire a newly licenced plumber. However, for more intricate and serious issues, experience is a valuable tool. Actual abilities and hands-on experience are more valuable than theoretical knowledge. And reputable plumbing companies know this.

Experienced professional plumbers will likely be more helpful and more likely to have the right answers to the homeowner’s questions. They are also able to execute solutions with minimal to zero mistakes.

They can take on complex plumbing issues.

Armed with their education, training, and experience, licenced plumbers can handle even the most complex problems. They can correctly diagnose a plumbing problem, no matter how complicated and huge it may seem. They also offer clients the appropriate solution to every plumbing problem.

An incorrect diagnosis by an inexperienced and unlicenced handyman can lead to more problems instead of solving them. Missing a thing or two in his diagnosis can result in providing an ineffective and incorrect solution.

They can give expert and relevant advice.

Aside from fixing plumbing issues, licenced plumbers can give expert advice on improving the home’s plumbing system and how to keep it running smoothly. They will not just fix the problem at hand. They will offer tips and advice on how to avoid the same problems in the future. These tips will not only keep the plumbing system in excellent shape. They also help protect the rest of the property from damages and help homeowners save money.

They can easily spot hidden issues.

Some plumbing issues are well hidden in plain sight. They only make themselves known when they are wreaking havoc in the house.

It is vital to hire professional plumbers for scheduled plumbing inspections. With their experience and expertise, they can reveal hidden issues before they blow up into more severe problems and cause more damage.

They prioritise everyone’s safety.

Professionals uphold standards and practices that help reduce risks and ensure the safety of everyone. They follow certain codes and regulations that govern each job they take on. But, of course, their experience and expertise also contribute to ensuring that they do the job correctly and keep everyone on the property safe.

Hiring a neighbourhood handyman may be cheaper, but they cannot guarantee the safety of the household. A licenced and professional plumber helps keep the homeowner’s peace of mind with every repair and servicing they conduct.

They help you save money.

Professional plumbers can do repair jobs more efficiently and effectively. In the long run, they help homeowners save more money by doing the job correctly on their first attempt. They save time and resources, and the household can return to daily activities sooner.

Re-repairs due to the incompetence of the plumber are more costly. Worse, they can result in more expensive and damaging problems.

FAQs about Hiring a Newcastle Plumber

FAQs about Hiring a Newcastle Plumber

Got a burning question in mind? Here are some commonly asked questions of plumbing clients.

1. What licences should a professional plumber have?

A professional plumber in Newcastle, Central Coast, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, and Belmont should be licenced by the local licencing authority. The said areas are covered by Fair Trading NSW. A plumber must have a licence before they can perform plumbing work.

2. What can a professional plumber do?

Here are just some of the responsibilities of a professional plumber, whether in a residential or commercial facility.

  • Ensure that gas and liquid pipes are all properly installed
  • Install piping and plumbing fixtures
  • Install, repair, and maintain ventilation, cooling, and heating systems
  • Unclog sink drains and toilets
  • Inspect, test, and maintain vacuums and pressure gauges
  • Troubleshoot plumbing issues
  • Fix plumbing issues
  • Provide estimates of installations and repairs

3. Is there a difference between a registered plumber and a licenced plumber?

Yes, there is a difference between the two. A registered plumber has completed a plumbing apprenticeship and has obtained a certificate III plumbing certificate. A registered plumber can do plumbing work under the supervision of a licenced plumber. However, he cannot provide compliance certificates.

A licenced plumber has completed the requirements to becoming a registered plumber, received a certificate IV in plumbing, completed a class for his chosen specialisation, and passed the licencing exam. He can perform commercial and residential plumbing works and can issue compliance certificates.

4. Is there any specialisation in plumbing?

Yes. Before a plumber can take the licencing exam, he should take a class on his chosen specialty or class.

Here are the main classes that a plumber can choose from:

  • Water plumbing
  • Fire protection
  • Gasfitting
  • Drainage
  • Water supply
  • Mechanical service
  • Sanitary
  • Roofing

There are also highly specialised classes that plumbers can take. These are:

  • Backflow prevention work
  • Type A appliance servicing work
  • Type A appliance conversion work
  • Type B gasfitting work
  • Type B gasfitting advanced work
  • Refrigerated air conditioning work

5. Does a single licence cover all classes?

No. For a plumber to work on specific classes, he must have separate licences for each class. Nonetheless, plumbers can have multiple licences if they want to work in different plumbing classes.

6. Are professional and licenced plumbers insured?

Yes. One of the requirements for obtaining a plumbing licence is to have the right insurance coverage. This ensures that the plumber is covered for any untoward incident during plumbing work, sparing the client from any liability.

7. What are the skills that a plumber should have?

Aside from professional expertise, here are the skills that a licenced plumber should possess.

  • Can work independently
  • Must be fit and healthy
  • Must have excellent hand-eye coordination
  • Can work in outdoor settings
  • Must have no fear of heights
  • Must have good interpersonal skills

8. Can a plumbing licence be suspended?

A plumbing licence can be suspended due to the following reasons:

  • The plumber was involved in an unlawful activity
  • Obtained a licence through fraudulent ways
  • Has become bankrupt

A plumber whose licence is suspended should:

  • Stop doing any business activity pertaining to plumbing works
  • Remove any advertisements for plumbing works offered
  • Return licence or certificate to NSW Fair Trading
For Your Emergency Plumbing Needs in Hunter and Newcastle, Contact Green Planet Plumbing

For Your Emergency Plumbing Needs in Hunter and Newcastle, Contact Green Planet Plumbing

We are a family-owned local company serving Newcastle, Maitland, Central Coast, Lake Macquarie, and the Central Coast. We have over 15 years of experience, and we guarantee the quality of the work of our licenced plumbers.

Call us now on 02 4911 9402 or send your enquiries to, and let us discuss how we can help you. Save our contact details, and let us be your 24/7 on-call emergency plumber in Newcastle and Hunter!