Plumbing Checklist for Home Buyers

Plumbing Checklist for Home Buyers

Buying a home in Australia can be a tiresome and tricky experience. It is worse if it is your first time. On a daily basis, you have hustled, worked your butt off, saved enough and now you want to invest in owning a house. Every person at some point in life wants to have that home feeling, free from worrying about paying rent at the end of every month.

In the event you are lucky and want to become a homeowner, then you will want everything to be just like you pictured it. Moving in should be apt and you will not want unexpected plumbing issues to hamper your transition.

It is wise to conduct a home inspection before buying and later moving into a house. Ensure that you have a plumbing checklist to make sure that you make an informed decision before signing any papers.

How and What Impacts Your Decision

By the mere fact that a home may require plumbing repairs, doesn’t necessarily mean you should not move in. Some issues are minor and can easily be fixed. A good example is a broken toilet or adjusting of water pressure. Some other instances might be tricky and may need extra work.

Some buyers are choosy and tend to avoid homes with minor issues like an outdated water heater. Inexperience plays a bit part, especially in younger or first time buyers.

Extreme water damage as a result of corroded pipes is an issue for most home buyers as well. Issues like leaks is a clear threat to both the comfort of a homeowner and their health. You don’t want to make appointments to the doctor as a result of accumulated bacteria in your home.

In general, for an outdated home, things like leaks and worn out pipes are inevitable. You might consider contacting a professional like Green Planet Plumbing for a thorough inspection of the house plumbing matters.

To make sure your potential new residence has no underlying plumbing issues, below is a compiled list of plumbing issues to look out for.

Things to Inspect Before Purchasing a Home

Things to Inspect Before Purchasing a Home

  • Check out the faucets, sinks or bathtubs to ensure there are no cases of water dripping. If so water is dripping, it is a red flag that there is possible leakage in the pipes. In most cases, major leakage is seen under the sinks. When you see these plumbing issues it is wise to contact the experts at Green Planet Plumbing and get the job done.
  • Look out for cracks in the showers, refrigerators, sinks and the toilets. These cracks, often lead to discolouration and possible leakages. You don’t want to be surprised by sudden floods in your house which will result in future unwanted repair costs.
  • Another area of interest is the bathroom shower. Most people looking to buy homes take keen interest in taps, but forget about the shower. Randomly turn it on and closely check the consistency of the water pressure. Check if the water heater is in good condition. You can do this by seeing how long the water takes to get warm.
  • Still on the water heater. Most water heaters are prone to rust which results from the frequent passing of water. Their lifespan is usually 8 to 12 years. It should be new and updated. If there is rust in the water heater and it has been operational for the past 10 years then you ought to replace it. Green Planet Plumbing is a phone call away.
  • In addition, flush the toilet and see how they work. A misbehaving toilet flush is the number one sign of plumbing troubles. The water pressure is of the essence as upon flushing, the water should fill up without spillage problems and they shouldn’t run for an excessive amount of time. This works well with ample water supply and working flush valves.
  • Take a tour of the house and ensure to inspect the condition of the rooms sitting beneath the bathrooms and toilets. Check the ceiling, walls and floor for stains or unpleasant smell. Before committing yourself to buy any house, ensure to ask for previous and current services records of repairs and maintenance.
  • Furthermore, if the home you are about to buy has a basement drainage system, ensure to check if it works as it should. Floods of water in the basement are the result of rotten pipes, leaks or errors with the structure. Check out for anything suspicious before any purchase as damages associated with appliances kept in the basement may be costly.
  • Lastly, check if the house has a sewer system, if yes, locate the septic tank and confirm there are no overflows. Don’t forget to ask for the current sewerage pipes plan in a diagram. In the event, you find plumbing troubles associated with the house reach out to experts from Green Planet Plumbing.
Maintenance Tips to Follow after Buying a Home

Maintenance Tips to Follow after Buying a Home

  • Washing machine and the dishwasher hoses are vulnerable to damages thus regular inspecting is vital. Wear and tear of these hoses is a tell-tale sign that you need to replace them.
  • Often turn on your garbage disposal system. Just like a car engine, these machines are prone to clogging which results in corrosion hence malfunction.
  • Most households, especially during winter, use water heaters on a daily basis. Therefore, wear and tear is expected. Ensure to regularly check for unusual babbling sounds. If there is the presence of strange bursting noise in your water heater, this is a sign that there is sediment build up and it needs replacing. You can reach out to a professional like Green Planet Plumbing who can advise if it is a minor repair or you need a new water heater.

Buying a home ought to be a pleasant experience. It is therefore in your best interest to do your due diligence and ensure the home you are about to buy has no underlying issues before you move in.

Are you seeking a reliable professional to help with the plumbing repairs in your home? Serving the larger Australian community is the trusted and licensed Green Planet Plumbing at your service. Contact us for a free quotation