Signs Your Sewer is Blocked

Signs Your Sewer is Blocked - Green Planet Plumbing

A blocked sewer is more than just an inconvenience; it’s a significant issue that can impact your home’s sanitation and the health of everyone living there. Recognizing the early symptoms of a clogged line is crucial in addressing the problem before it escalates into a costly repair.

Here are the key indicators that you might be dealing with a drainage issue.

Failure of Multiple Fixtures

When several plumbing fixtures in your home start to malfunction simultaneously, it’s a strong indication that the problem lies with your main drainage system.

Here’s how you can tell:

  1. Sink and Faucet: If water isn’t draining properly from your sink, start by checking if the problem is isolated to the sink or if it’s more widespread. Let the water run for a minute. If this causes water to back up in your toilet, you likely have a clogged line.
  2. Tub and Shower: Similar to the sink, if your tub or shower is slow to drain and you notice that it affects the toilet as well, this points to a problem with the main line.
  3. Toilet: The toilet is often the most telling fixture when there’s a drainage issue. If water backs up or bubbles when you flush, it’s a sign of a blockage. This is often accompanied by other fixtures failing, confirming the issue is with the main line and not an individual drain.

House Main Drain

Your home’s main drain connects to either a private septic system or a public sewer system. If you suspect a blockage, locate the drainage cleanout. For homes on a public system, the cleanout is typically 30 to 40 feet from the house.

Recognizing the Signs of a Leak

Remove the cleanout cap and check for water. If water spills out, it’s a clear sign that your main line is clogged and requires immediate attention. Ignoring this can lead to leaks that could cause further damage to your property.

Recognizing the Signs of a Leak

Leaks in your main line can be harder to detect but can lead to significant damage if left untreated.

Common signs of a leak include:

  • Unexplained damp spots in your yard, particularly if they’re near where the line runs.
  • Sewage odours around your property, even if there’s no visible damage.
  • Mould or mildew growth inside your home that can’t be traced to a water leak.

If you’re wondering, “How do you know if you have a sewer leak?” These signs should prompt you to contact a professional for an inspection.

When to Call for Cleaning or Repair

Self-diagnosing a plumbing problem can often lead to further complications. If you notice any of the above signs, it’s best to contact professionals who specialise in cleaning services near you.

Whether it’s a repair or a complete replacement, addressing the issue promptly can save you from more severe problems down the road.

Expert Plumbing Services

For those in Newcastle and surrounding areas, including Macquarie, Central Coast, and the Hunter Valley, Green Planet Plumbing offers expert services for all your drainage needs. From cleaning to diagnosing clogged line symptoms, our team is ready to assist 24/7. Don’t let a blocked sewer system disrupt your life; contact us today for professional help and peace of mind.