Blocked Drain

A blocked drain is one of the most common plumbing issues encountered households in Australia.

When drains block, people often try to deal with it on their own, or hire a general handyman to do the plumbing work for them. Although that might seem like the most cost-efficient solution, you may have to shell out more money in the long term if the plumbing issue is not treated properly. To ensure a proper repair is done, we strongly recommend that you contact professional plumbing service providers when dealing with issues like blocked drains, blocked toilets, or leaking pipes.

Causes of Blocked Drains

Green Planet Plumbing technician repairing water pipes in a home

Signs that You may Have a Blocked Drain

Blocked drains are not as easily seen as other plumbing issues. Usually, people find out that they have a blocked drain when it is too late, leading to harmful biohazards, health hazards, and expensive repair costs. To prevent these things from happening, it would be wise for individuals to know the signs that they may have a blocked drain.

Probably the most obvious sign that you have a blocked drain is when your shower, bath, sink, or toilet is draining at a slow pace. Sometimes, the blockage is too far gone and the water may not even drain away at all.

You can also begin to notice foul smells coming from your fixtures, which is another indication of a blocked drain. Your pipes could also give you an indication that you may have a blocked drain. If you hear gurgling noises from your fixtures, that could also be a sign that a blockage has occurred. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is best to contact your trusted plumbing service provider as soon as possible.

Unclogging Blocked Drains

Contact Green Planet Plumbing for Blocked Drain Assistance Now!

Green Planet Plumbing is a company with over 15 years of experience in the plumbing business and industry. We are fully licensed and insured, and we guarantee quality service to our clients at a fair price.

In order to ensure high quality service, we only use the latest equipment in the plumbing industry. If you have a blocked drain and you need plumbing assistance, contact us now and let us fix your problem for you. We provide service to areas around Lake Macquarie, Newcastle, the Central Coast, and the Hunter Valley. For enquiries, you may reach us by calling 1300 G P PLUMBING.